Sunday, June 5, 2011

Start a blog using Drupal - Part I

How to start a blog using drupal

In this article I would teach you how to use Drupal to start a blog, I will also give some SEO tips as well. To start off, install Drupal on your server, if you dunno how to do it, you can follow this link to know how to set up drupal CMS for your website. Now that you've got Drupal installed on your server, you need to log in as an administrator just like you would in Linux operating machine or even Mac, if you can log in as an administrator you could change universal settings that would effect all the users using it.

This would be first of the 3 series of articles that I would write because of the vast information I need to cover, one article would be too long and might bore you, so I will be splitting this article into parts. Ok now with part one, lets focus on first three steps required.

Home work that you need to do, Download Modules


This module is necessary for the next module you would be downloading, this is a preset needed for Pathauto and many modules that use Token module's capabilities.
Pathauto module has the ability to create SEO friendly URLs for every blog post, Pathauto is different for different versions of Drupal, so exercise caution, don't end up downloading the wrong module.

Unpacking the downloaded modules

Now that you've got your prequisites downloaded, you need to unpack them because the downloads are packed either in zip or rar format, if you are using windows zip compression utility is inbuilt, all you need to do is to unpack the module. Now that you've got both of your modules unpacked, lets go and upload them to your server.

Uploading to your server
For this, you could either use cPanel to log into your server or use your favorite FTP client. Navigate to the directory called ' Drupal ' on your server and go into the subfolder named ' sites ' and then to ' all ' and then create a directory named
' modules ' this is where you should upload your unpacked modules, create folders for both modules according to their names and upload to your site.

Enable the modules you uploaded
Uploading your modules doesn't mean that it will work right outta the box, you
need to enable them in order to work, as you've already logged into your administrator account, click on site building section and you should be presented
and look for modules section, you should see a list of modules and a tick box
right next to each module. Check the box for blog, path, pathauto and token, click save to save the configuration.

This is it for the first article, I will link to the rest of the articles as I post them later :)

I am one of the many talented drupal website developers on the internet, I work for a drupal website development company.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I'm from Brazil, my name is Gabriel and I made ​​an account on blogspot, and I'm using google translator to talk to you I want you to help me being a follower of my blog, he talks about Rock, but do not forget it is in Portuguese I refer you use the google translator is that i am counting on you
